The webinars will introduce 4 different teams from different ECIU Universities, presenting their current research in slots of 10 minutes. After all the presentations, there will be an open turn for questions and debate.
The objective of this action is twofold:
1. On the one hand, to boost a strong Community on Citizen Science within the ECIU Consortium.
2. On the other hand, to identify potential lines of collaboration between projects and foster the creation of SMART-ER trans-national pilots in Citizen Science.
Join us for the first SMART-ER webinar on Citizen Science on Monday, 4th October 10.30 - 11.45 (CEST) on Teams.
Prof. Fernando Vilariño (CVC - UAB) - The ECIU SMART-ER project and its approach to Citizen Science
Prof. Lars Bodum (AAU) - Mapping your Cultural Heritage - Citizen Science with an interactive mapping portal - Pericles H2020 project
Ms. Núria Martínez (CVC - UAB) - XARXES: Connecting the lives of our ancestors through Citizen Science (re-)valorising physical and digital archives.
ECIU is the leading international consortium of research intensive universities, with collective emphasis on innovation, creativity and societal impact, driving the development of a knowledge-based economy.