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Learning for Tomorrow, Today: Future Fit Universities for 2040Learning for Tomorrow, Today: Future Fit Universities for 2040


November 6, 2018

Learning for Tomorrow, Today: Future Fit Universities for 2040


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The main objective of this event is to explore different scenarios for Higher Education by 2040 and help shape futures thinking with a strong learner perspective on new models and approaches to teaching and learning.

Why a Focus on 2040

A child born today will not graduate from a European university until around 2040. The question is what type of university education will they experience in another 20 years from now? How will universities have responded by 2040 to the major challenges and forces of change facing our societies, and the higher education sector in particular? The student voice is central to this unique future-focused symposium as we discuss ‘learning for tomorrow, today’. Students feature throughout the event as we look to challenge conventional institutional thinking and to reimagine the teaching and learning experience for better futures - for all.


12:30 - Lunch
‍13:00 - Welcome from Moderator Charlotte Geerdink (Charly Speaks)
13:05 - Welcome from Rob van Eijkeren (Head of Office Dutch House of Provinces)
13:10 - Introduction to ECIU and the Big Questions by Mark Brown (Chair of the ECIU Steering Committee Innovation in Teaching and Learning)
‍13:20 - Student Insights - Teaching and Learning in the University of 2040
‍13:50 - World Cafes - Exploring the Big Questions
15:00 - Refreshment Break
15:20 - World Cafes Report Back
‍15:45 - ECIU Response to the World Cafes by Dag Husebo and Sarah Speight (ECIU Steering Committee Innovation in Teaching and Learning)
‍16:00 - Stakeholder Panel Discussion
– Adam Gajek (European Students’ Union),
– Thérèse Zhang (European University Association),
– Vanessa Debiais-Sainton (European Commission),
– European Parliament (TBC)
16:45 - Summary Comments
16:55 - Close of Event
17:00 - Networking with Refreshments


Brussels, 6 November2018
12:30H – 18:00H

Dutch House of Provinces
Rue de Treves 59

We are looking forward to seeing you on the 6th of November!

This event is organised by the Steering Committee on Innovation in Teaching and Learning of the European Consortium ofInnovative Universities (ECIU). ECIU, founded in 1997, comprises Aalborg Universitet, Denmark., Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain, Dublin City University, Ireland, Technische Universität Hamburg, Germany, Linköpings Universitet, Sweden, Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania, University of Nottingham, UK, University of Stavanger, Norway, University of Trento, Italy, Tampere University, Finland, University of Twente, the Netherlands, Tecnológico de Monterrey, Mexico.


ECIU is the leading international consortium of research intensive universities, with collective emphasis on innovation, creativity and societal impact, driving the development of a knowledge-based economy.