ECIU University
Forum 2024

6 - 7 June 2024
Education for a Resilient and
Sustainable Society
Kaunas University of Technology
Share best practices of innovative education approaches
Bring together societal stakeholders to showcase challenge-based education outcomes
Explore and initiate potential collaborations for common solutions to societal issues

About the ECIU University Forum

The ECIU University Forum is a yearly networking event that brings together the entire ECIU University community.

In 2024, the Forum will take place at Kaunas University of Technology (Kaunas, Lithuania) on June 6th and 7th. Education for a Resilient and Sustainable Society is chosen as the main theme. The two-day interactive event aims to generate ideas, establish connections between ECIU University community members, and encourage educational collaborations.

We hope the event will be an inspiration for teachers, researchers, learners, and external stakeholders, providing an opportunity to share their expertise, knowledge, and best practices, while also promoting challenge-based learning.


Walking distance between the venues is approximately from 10 to 15 minutes.

Time in the agenda is local (EEST).

Day 1 – Thursday, 06/06/2024

08:00 - 08:45
Santaka Valley,
First floor
Registration and welcome coffee
08:45 – 09:30
Santaka Valley,
Hall 2nd floor
Opening ceremony and Key-note
09:45 – 10:30
M-Lab, Room 111
Parallel session
Innovation wheel. ECIU learning: surveys and other findings
Siska Simon, Hamburg University of Technology
09:45 – 10:30
Santaka Valley,
Hall 2nd floor
Parallel session
Sharing best practices. CBL implementation.
Implementing Challenge-Based Learning in Engineering Education at the University of Stavanger
Masoumeh Shahverdi, University of Stavanger 

Empowering Change Agents. A Case Study on the Transformation of an ITE module through Challenge-Based-Learning
Elaine McDonald and Sabrina Fitzsimons, Dublin City University 
09:45 – 10:30
Santaka Valley, Room A228
Parallel session
Educating for sustainable development: Humanitarian Engineering
Nikola Nizamis and Nina Trauernicht,University of Twente
09:45 – 10:30
KTU Library, Second floor, Room M8
Parallel session
ECIU Student Ambassadors Session
Eddie Arriaga Flores, Hamburg University of Technology

Marie Xhauflair, University of Twente

Alicja Zielińska, Lodz University of Technology

Matilde Antunes, University of Aveiro

Quentin Leroi, INSA Group
10:30 – 11:00
Santaka Valley,
First floor
Coffee Break
11:00 – 11:45
M-Lab, Room 111
Parallel session
New trends and technology in education
Margarida Fardilha, University of Aveiro
11:00 – 11:45
Santaka Valley,
Hall 2nd floor
Parallel session
Making an Impact with ECIU University
Emelie Ekblad, Linköping University
11:00 – 11:45
KTU Library,Second floor, Room M8
Parallel session
Building a Climate Network for European Universities
Cheryl de Boer, University of Twente
11:00 – 11:45
Santaka Valley, Room A228
Parallel session
Networking session: Accessible Education for allpart 1
Turunen Markku, Tampere University
12:00 – 12:45
M-Lab, Room 111
Parallel session
Creative Thinking Tools workshop in a collaborative platform (Six Thinking Hats) - part 1
Tim Marshall and Massoumeh Shaverdi, University of Stavanger
12:00 – 12:45
Santaka Valley,
Hall 2nd floor
Parallel session
Sharing best practices. CBL implementation
Micro-module based Flexible Learning Path design based on stakeholder needs
Ramon VilanovaThe Autonomous, University of Barcelona

Engaging students: experiences in collaborative learning in physics
Gianluca Lattanzi, University of Trento
12:00 – 12:45
KTU Library,Second floor, Room M8
Parallel session
Enhancing the Role of Libraries in European University Alliances: The ECIU University Libraries group
Nuria Casaldaliga, The Autonomous University of Barcelona and Gintarė Tautkevičienė, Kaunas University of Technology
12:00 – 12:45
Santaka Valley, Room A228
Parallel session
Networking session: Accessible Education for all – part 2
Turunen Markku, Tampere University
12:45 – 14:00
Santaka Valley,
First floor
Lunch and networking session
14:00 – 15:00
M-Lab, Room 111
Parallel session
Creative Thinking Tools workshop in a collaborative platform (Six Thinking Hats)
- part 2
Tim Marshall and Massoumeh Shaverdi,
University of Stavanger
14:00 – 15:00
Santaka Valley,
Hall 2nd floor
Parallel session
Hands-on Initiative: KTU & Aros Marine collaboration towards Circular Business Model in Marine Interior Industry
Edita Gimžauskienė, Greta Galminė and Meda Andrijauskienė, Kaunas University of Technology
Greta Galminė, Aros Marine
14:00 – 15:00
KTU Library, Second floor, Room M8
Parallel session
How to create an effective team with common understanding about ECIU university
Asta Daunorienė, Jurgita Barynienė and Jurga Vitkuvienė, Kaunas University of Technology
14:00 – 15:00
Santaka Valley,Room A228
Parallel session
Orienting individuals in anticipating the impact of their projects - part 1
Catarina Lelis, University of Aveiro
15:00 – 15:30
Santaka Valley,
First floor
Coffee break
15:30 – 16:30
M-Lab, Room 111
Parallel session
Developing ECIU learning offerings in Games and Gamification
Juhani Linna, Tampere University
15:30 – 16:30
Santaka Valley,
Hall 2nd floor
Parallel session
Engage, Investigate, Act: Practical Tools and Techniques for the Challenge-Based Learning Mentor
Meda Andrijauskienė, Kaunas University of Technology
Nikola Nizamis, University of Twente
Nina Trauernicht, University of Twente
15:30 – 16:30
KTU Library, Second floor, Room M8
Parallel session
Perspective Taking in Transdisciplinary Education
Irene Wols and Mats van Dalen, University of Twente
15:30 – 16:30
Santaka Valley, Room A228
Parallel session
Orienting individuals in anticipating the impact of their projects - part 2
Catarina Lelis, University of Aveiro
16:30 – 17:00
Santaka Valley,
Hall 2nd floor
Closing of the day – plenary session
20:00 – 22:00
Radisson Hotel (Conference center) Donelaičio str. 27
ECIU community dinner Restaurant

Day 2 – Friday, 07/06/2024

08:45 – 9:30
M-Lab, Room 111
Parallel session
Challenge expresso. Live a real experience​​ – part 1
Silvia Blanch and Jordina Fornell,
The Autonomous University of Barcelona

Asta Daunorienė, Kaunas University of Technology

Vania Carlos, University of Aveiro
08:45 – 9:30
Santaka Valley,
Hall 2nd floor
Parallel session
Challenge Based Learning and multicultural education: the experience of Trento ECIU “Engaging with the Futures” CBL program
Francesca Odella, University of Trento

CBL Community of Practice at UniTrento
Stefano Turrini, University of Trento
08:45 – 9:30
KTU Library, Second floor, Room M8
Parallel session
Multidisciplinary collaboration between Music Therapy and Design educations for Professional Skill Development.
Mindaugas Dambrauskas and Andrea V. Hernandez Bueno, Aalborg University
08:45 – 09:30
Santaka Valley, Room A228
Parallel session
Active learning strategies to promote students' engagement and deep learning - part 1
Joaquim Macedo, University of Aveiro
Margarida Pinho Lopes, University of Aveiro
09:45 – 10:30
M-Lab, Room 111
Parallel session
Innovation Challenge expresso. Live a real experience​​ - part 2
Silvia Blanch and Jordina Fornell,
The Autonomous University of Barcelona

Asta Daunorienė, Kaunas University of Technology

Vania Carlos,University of Aveiro
09:45 – 10:30
Santaka Valley,
Hall 2nd floor
Parallel session
Bioprocessing for the enabling of Circular Economy
Federico Cerrone, Dublin City University
09:45 – 10:30
KTU Library, Second floor, Room M8
Parallel session
Going Beyond Cultural boundaries: Enhancing Students skills for sustainability and nanotechnology
Arturo Susarrey Arce and Linlin Pei, University of Twente
09:45 – 10:30
Santaka Valley, Room A228
Parallel session
Active learning strategies to promote students' engagement and deep learning - part 2
Joaquim Macedo, University of Aveiro
Margarida Pinho Lopes, University of Aveiro
10:30 – 11:00
Santaka Valley,
First floor
Coffee Break
11:00 – 12:00
M-Lab,Room 111
Parallel session
The use of role-playing games applied to the teaching of energy management
Daniel Campos, The Autonomous University of Barcelona
11:00 – 12:00
Santaka Valley,
Hall 2nd floor
Parallel session

Exploring the Transformative Potential of Integrating the Soul Voice® Method in Educational Settings for Enhanced Well-being and Student Engagement
hanced We
Sofia Serra, University of Aveiro
11:00 – 12:00
KTU Library, Room M8, 2nd floor
Parallel session
Digital Twins for Urban Sustainability and Resilience
Andrius Jurelionis, Kaunas University of Technology
11:00 – 12:00
Santaka Valley, Room A228
Parallel session
Tips & Tricks to reduce the Environmental Impact of Academic Mobility: the ECIU Green Mobility Guide - 30 minutes
Paula Filippi and Francesca Briani, University of Trento
12:00 – 13:00
Santaka Valley,
First floor
Lunch and networking session
13:15 – 13:45
Santaka Valley,
Hall 2nd floor
ECIU Team Impact Award
Barbara Moore, INSA Group
Daria Bobovkina, Lodz University of Technology
14:00 – 14:45
M-Lab, Room 111
Parallel session
#itendshere. Let's take a stand against harassment and discrimination on our campuses
Alessandra Saletti, University of Trento
14:00 – 14:45
KTU Library, Second floor, Room M8
Parallel session
Self-leadership takes Challenge-Based Learning to the next level
Wouter Trieling, University of Twente
14:00 – 14:45
Santaka Valley, Room A228
Parallel session
Short Talks to present Challenge-Based Learning initiatives
Paula Vilarinho, University of Aveiro
15:00 – 15:30
Santaka Valley,
Hall 2nd floor
Closing & Open Networking Time

The ECIU University is co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.


The ECIU University Forum is a part of ECIU University activities, co-funded by the European Union.
The Forum will take place on 6-7 June 2024 at Kaunas University of Technology (KTU).

cofunded by the european union logo

Practical information for participants

Kaunas University of Technology

Traveling to Kaunas

From Vilnius airport:

Kaunas can be reached using public transport: bus and train. There are buses going from Vilnius airport to Vilnius bus and train stations. For more information visit the following link:  

For information on the bus schedule and tickets to Kaunas bus station visit:

For train schedules and tickets to Kaunas train station visit:

Both the bus and train stations are located in Kaunas city center and are not far from suggested hotels.

For more information on public transport visit


From Kaunas airport:

Kaunas international airport is located in the central part of the country, 14 km from the city of Kaunas.

To reach the city center, take the city bus No. 29G (its timetable is adjusted to the arrivals schedule. For more information about tickets, schedule and locations visit:

The app “Žiogas” is the convenient way to pay for the ticket (0,65 Eur one way):

You can also take Taxi, Bolt or Uber to reach Kaunas city center.


If you arrive by car:

Kaunas is easily reached by car from Riga, Warsaw, Vilnius, Klaipėda and pretty much the rest of the cities in the surrounding region.

Note that you have to pay for parking in the central part of Kaunas from 8 am to 6 pm, Monday to Friday (except on public holidays). Parking is free on weekends, except in the Town Hall Square area, where charges apply from 8 am to midnight.

To pay for parking, you can use the Unipark app, your contactless bank card or Euro coins. More on parking in Kaunas here.


Traveling in the city:

  • Public transport (find Kaunas public transport routes and schedules on
  • BOLT and UBER
  • Bikes and other transport means
  • Kaunas bus and train stations are located 15-30 the minutes' walk from the main hotels in Kaunas centre. If you take bus, taxi or Bolt, it will take around 5-10 minutes to get from the Kaunas station to the main hotels
  • The main forum venues are in KTU Campus, around 30-40 minutes’ walk (up the hill) from the center where hotels are located. We recommend to hire Bolt or take a local bus.


Suggested hotels with blocked rooms (between June 4-8)  kept until: April 20th.

Best  Baltic Kaunas  

Location: A. Mickevičiaus g. 28,44311

Code for Booking: BBK230658

Single Room: 69,00

Double Room: 79,00

Booking information:

Best  Western Santaka

Location: J.  Gruodžio str. 21, LT-44293, Kaunas

Code for Booking: ECIU

Single Room: 61,00

Double Room: 71,00

Booking information:  
Fill in
this registration form and send it via email:

Park  Inn Kaunas

Location: K. Donelaicio str. 27,LT-44240 Kaunas

Code for Booking: ECIU2024

Single Room: 85,00

Double Room: 95,00

Booking information:  


Location: Miško g. 11, Kaunas,LT-44321

Code for Booking: Kauno technologijosUniversitetas - ECIU

Single Room: 85,00

Double Room: 95,00

Booking information:  
Fill in
this registration form and send it via email:

Ibis  Kaunas Centre

Location: Vytauto pr. 28, 44328

Code for Booking: ECIU

Single Room: 50,00

Double Room: 60,00

Booking information:

Ibis  Styles Kaunas Centre

Location: Vytauto pr. 25, 44352

Code for Booking: ECIU

Single Room: 57,00

Double Room: 67,00

Booking information:


Location: S. Daukanto g. 21, 44249

Code for Booking: ECIU-Metropolis

Single Room: 54,00

Double Room: 70,00

Booking information:


Location: Maironio g. 19, 44250

Code for Booking: ECIU

Single Room: 69,00

Double Room: 78,00

Booking information:

Forum Venue and Communiy Dinner

Forum: KTU Santaka valley

Address: K. Baršausko g. 59, Kaunas, 51423 Kauno m. sav.

KTU Santaka Valley is a state-of-the-art science and innovations centre, one of the largest in the Baltics. It has become a local catalyst for innovation where science, technologies and business meet.

The Valley is the hub accommodating the University’s most advanced scientific potential and cutting-edge equipment. Itempowers timely and efficient research and development services for business, leading to creation of new products, which increase international competitiveness of the State.

Community dinner place on 6th of June

Radisson Hotel
Donelaičio g. 27

Places to visit

Undoubtedly the most exquisite example of sacral architecture in interwar Kaunas, the church is distinguished by its scale, urban location and political importance. This is the symbol of independence and resurrection of the nation. The height of the tower is 63 m. It also has a huge terrace overlooking Kaunas City centre and Žaliakalnis district.

More than a decade ago an artist Vytenis Jakas moved into a house in this courtyard and noticed that neighbors are distant and fail to remember the shared past of the courtyard. V. Jakas started transferring the photos of Jewish families that used to live here to the walls of the houses and received great support. One by one new objects appear in the courtyard, new artists leave their mark, neighbors' celebrations take place, tourists come round.

Time travel to Kaunas, 1929. Art Deco era apartment. Kaunas is famous for its unique modernism architecture of the interwar period. But how cool is it to enter and visit an inspiring Art Deco apartment that has been recently restored to its original beauty? It‘s a place where architecture and authentic interior is an expression of the way people lived in the city of Kaunas in the 1930s. Booking in advance is required.


Have you ever dreamed of taking a walk with an artist and finding out the sources of their inspiration? Feeling inspired by their muse? Finding out what music fascinates them? The famous Lithuanian artist Mikalojus Konstantinas Čiurlionis is long gone from the world but visiting the museum named after him lets you feel his presence. A visit to the museum is like retracing the path taken by a brilliant creator.

The museum is one of the oldest and largest art museums in Lithuania. It is the only place in the world with the creative legacy of the most famous Lithuanian artist, composer, and public figure M. K. Čiurlionis (1875-1911)


At the end of the 19th century, when trying to defend the western border of the Russian Empire, Emperor Alexander II approved the military leadership’s proposal to build a fortress in Kaunas, probably the most western part of the Russian Empire. Kaunas Fortress was supposed to consist of hundreds of objects: forts, batteries, warehouses, hospitals, churches, barracks, administrative buildings, etc. For example, 195 brick and 253 wooden military buildings were built in the territory of the fortress by 1891.

The confluence of Lithuania’s two biggest rivers, Nemunas and Neris, is a place to restore your energy. Sometimes it is called the birthplace of Kaunas. It is a place of many historical sites, such as Kaunas Castle and St. George Church. The visitors can also admire the city panorama and see the sculpture of Pope John Paul II.


It is believed that the parish church of Kaunas, which became the arch-cathedral in the course of history, was founded by the ruler of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, Vytautas the Great. The construction of the church, first mentioned in 1413, was very long, as it was common at that time, and its current appearance was shaped by several reconstructions, acquiring Renaissance, Baroque, Classicism, Neo-Gothic and Neo-Baroque architectural features. The cathedral is one of Lithuania’s oldest and largest sanctuaries.

Explore more sights here:

Registration is closed.

Please let us know if you’d like to participate and apply before the 29th of February.

You can apply to attend the Forum as a participant or a session presenter. More information about the sessions below. A selection process will take place at each member university. You will receive a follow-up email regarding your application status in early April.

Places are limited as the ECIU University forum only has a capacity of 230 people.

Apply for presenting a session – Registration is closed.

The ECIU University Forum aims to engage its participants in discussions relevant to them – which is why we invite you to contribute. Submit your proposal to facilitate one of the sessions and become part of a relevant conversation.

When applying, please choose the session format that suits your topic or idea the most! 

Each ECIU University Forum session should be connected to the main theme of the event: Education for a Resilient and Sustainable Society. There are four types of sessions available:

Lightning Talk

Share one of ECIU University’s education-related achievements in a short presentation.

  • Format: Short, focused presentations typically lasting 10-15 minutes and followed by Q&A sessions (total duration – 30 to 45 min together with the Q&A session) 
  • Purpose: Efficiently and concisely communicates a specific idea, project, or concept, while also sharing your experience from ECIU University activities. 

Panel Discussion

Explore a specific topic, bringing together a group of experts with different perspectives.

  • Format: A group of experts (3-4 speakers) joins the panel to discuss the chosen topic, as moderated by the session presenter. Each speaker has approx. 10-12 minutes for presenting and the presentations are followed by an interactive discussion with the audience, moderated by a panel moderator. 
  • Purpose: Offers diverse perspectives, encourages debate, and creates interaction between panelists and the audience.

Skills Training Session

Are you an expert on a particular topic? Is there something you want to teach the participants? Give a training session!

  • Format: Highly interactive sessions where participants engage in hands-on activities, training discussions, and exercises aimed to improve certain skills or introduce them to new perspectives. (duration – 1 to 2 hours) 
  • Purpose: Focused learning, skill development, and practical application of concepts. 

(Net)working Session

Do you have an idea you want to make a reality? Invite colleagues to collaborate on developing an ECIU University learning opportunity, a project, or a European project application. For example, you can present your current research subject and find partners both for research and future learning opportunities. Are you facing a problem in your organization or work? This may also be your chance to find a joint solution!

  • Format: Interactive sessions where participants engage in hands-on activities, discussions, and exercises. (1 to 2 hours) 
  • Purpose: Networking, developing ideas and projects. 

Registration is closed.

You can find detailed information on applying for sessions here:

Session application guidelines

If you have any questions about the application form, contact us via

ECIU University Forum Financial Support

ECIU University Forum is an opportunity for ECIU University teachers, students, staff, and external stakeholders from all over Europe to meet, generate ideas, establish new connections, and pursue educational collaborations. But we understand that attending events can be expensive, especially for learners!


To encourage attendance at the ECIU University Forum, each ECIU University member institution can select and financially support up to: 

  • 6 students (including 2 student ambassadors)
  • 5 administrative staff members
  • 5 teachers/researchers 

The deadline to apply for participation in the ECIU University Forum is the 29th of February. The selection will be done at the member institution level. You can apply as a participant or a session presenter.

Process for the financial support allocation:

Once the evaluation process of the applications is over, the ECIU University Forum coordination team will forward the institutional contact points of ECIU member institutions the following information:

  • Applicants registered by their institution
  • Ranked list of successful proposals for sessions

Based on this information, each institution will allocate the support by applying the following criteria:

  1.  Applicants selected for presenting sessions will be prioritized following the ranking and up to the funds available.
  2. The remaining funds will be free for the institution to allocate, considering gender balance and diversity in participants’ profiles.

If you want to be considered for the ECIU University Forum financial support, please contact your institution’s representative by March 15th. 

Institutions’ representatives will inform the applicants about the status of their request and the next steps by early April. 


If you have any questions or suggestions, are interested in collaborating with ECIU University, or want to know more about the opportunities it offers, please reach out to us via


What is ECIU University?

The ECIU University is a European university where learners, teachers, and researchers cooperate with cities and businesses to solve real-life challenges.

Together, we aim to create, test, and embrace a whole new approach to education that encourages innovation on all levels – from learning to research.

More information

What is the goal of the ECIU University Forum?

The forum aims to highlight the potential and opportunities the ECIU University ecosystem offers, deepen connections within the educational community, and become an inspiration for teachers, researchers, learners, and external stakeholders, encouraging them to share their expertise, knowledge, and best practices while embracing challenge-based learning.

How do I apply for the ECIU University Forum?

Registration to the Forum is closed.

Who can attend the ECIU University Forum?

ECIU UniversityEducation Forum is aimed at students, teachers, and personnel from ECIU institutions, as well as stakeholders within ECIU member regions &countries (cities, businesses, entrepreneurs, public or non-governmental organizations, social and environmental activists).

How can I participate in the ECIU University Forum?


You don’t have an active role in any specific session, but you are looking forward to meeting the ECIU University community and making new connections.

Session presenter

You wish to actively participate in the conference, leading and facilitating one of the sessions.

I’m not an academic entity. Can I participate and how?

Yes, the conference is designed to appeal to a broad range of attendees. From companies to public organizations, various stakeholders are welcome to present challenges at the ECIU University Forum. If there is a challenge you would like to solve together with a multidisciplinary team of teachers and learners across Europe, let us know!

Is there a registration fee for participation in the Forum?

ECIU University Forum is free of charge. If you are selected, you will be provided with access to all presentations, sessions, and networking events at the Forum.

I have filled out the registration form. Is my participation confirmed?

No, unfortunately, the ECIU University forum only has a capacity of 230 people. You will receive an email confirming your participation.

Are meals included in my registration?

The ECIU University Forum will provide lunch on the first and second days of the conference, as well as several coffee breaks throughout the meeting. The evening event on the first night of the conference is also included.

Can I cancel my registration?

Yes, you can cancel your registration. To do so, please contact

Can I see what sessions will take place during the Forum before I arrive on-site?

Yes, the full program for the ECIU University Forum will be posted on our website at least one month before the event.

ECIU Team Award flyer

About Team Impact Award

A Team Impact Award that will be given during the ECIU University Forum in Kaunas on June 6-7th, to show the entire community the impact of the challenge you completed.

The ECIU Impact Framework aims at helping you tell your individual and collective impact story:

·  Look back and capture the rich nature and power of impact you’ve made.

·  Look forward to inspire and inform further impact and learning.

Your impact story can make a difference, and we want to hear all about it!

How to apply

Let your creative juices flow! Make a video (3 minutes max, any format) that best showcases the impact you and your team made during the ECIU University challenge/action.


Some questions and food for thought:

  • What concrete impact have I/we made through this ECIU University challenge/action.
  • Have I/we succeeded in making the impact I/we initially wanted to make when I/we started the challenge/action?​
  • What impact has this ECIU University experience had on me as an individual/on us as a team?​

Send your video (or the WeTransfer / YouTube link) by the 15th of April to: Barbara Moore (INSA Toulouse):, and Daria Bobovkina (Lodz University of Technology):


  • An all-expenses-paid trip to the ECIU University Forum in Kaunas for 4 lucky winners!
  • Your video shown during the ECIU University Forum, the biggest and most impactful ECIU University event of 2024 with over 200 attendees!
  • An interview on the ECIU website, to share your impact with the whole World.
  • Visibility on ECIU social media about the work done on societal challenges (and digital certificate).


  1. The winning team will be chosen by WP5 Community Coordinators Group composed of 1 member per ECIU University institution between 15th of April –30th of April.
  2. The team selected for the award will be contacted by 5th of May.

There are 3 criteria for the selection:

  1. Evidence of the overall impact made (qualitative and quantitative).
  2. Teamwork and synergy showcased in the video.
  3. Creative approach to the video itself.


If you have any questions, contact Barbara Moore (INSA Toulouse):, and Daria Bobovkina (Lodz University of Technology):