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Empowering connections: What to expect from the ECIU University Forum 2024


May 16, 2024

Empowering connections: What to expect from the ECIU University Forum 2024


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This June marks the first ECIU University Forum – an annual event created to foster collaboration and innovation among ECIU University member institutions. Hosted by Kaunas University of Technology in Kaunas, Lithuania, it aims to promote interdisciplinary cooperation and innovative thinking, encourage sharing perspectives and best practices, and help address global challenges through higher education.

The topic – Education for a Resilient and Sustainable Society – was chosen for a reason. Selected to address the pressing challenges and opportunities in society, it sets a broader goal to inspire collaborative solutions that will drive change in higher education.

‘The educational landscape now differs drastically from a few decades ago, reflecting the dynamic nature of our current environment. Amidst global challenges, crises, and the emergence of AI opportunities, it has become increasingly volatile,’ explains Gio Fornell, innovation adviser at Linköping University and work package lead for impact and dissemination at ECIU University.  
‘In this ever-evolving scenario, predicting the exact knowledge we might need can be daunting. However, people need to be equipped to tackle these uncertainties. The event’s goal is to empower individuals to navigate the changing world and make meaningful contributions to society.’

The Forum will be taking place on June 6-7th, with over thirty diverse sessions planned. Topics will vary from the best challenge-based learning practices and multicultural education to new educational trends and transdisciplinary innovation, as participants from ECIU University member institutions prepare to share their stories, perspectives and experiences. The two-day event will also include the Team Impact Awards – an opportunity for teachers, researchers and learners to share their very own impact stories with the entire ECIU University community.

All of this is just a first step towards broader conversations – and igniting change, points out Noëlle Billon, work package lead for community building at ECIU University.

‘Participants should look forward to valuable networking opportunities, engaging discussions on cutting-edge topics, and the chance to contribute to shaping the future of higher education in Europe’, she notes.

‘We hope that the ECIU University Forum will foster new collaborations and inspire innovative approaches to higher education that address global challenges.’

The ECIU University Forum will take place at Kaunas University of Technology (Kaunas, Lithuania) on June 6-7th. Learn more about it and discover the full program here.

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